3D Graphics
I created a space themed scene from scratch (modeling, rendering, animation) using Opengl and GLSL shader language in python:
- Modeling: I used a some models (meshes) such as earth, moon, space capsule, satellite, astronaut, moon base, etc… I used hierarchical modeling for the satellite (antenna and solar pannels attached to the body). Blender was utilized for modifing the meshes.
- Rendering: Implemented Lambertian and Phong models for lcoal illumination. I then used skybox with space textures. I also implemented Gaussian blur and fog effects.
- Annimation: I used keyframes to animated the models in the schene:
- Space capsule lands on the moon.
- An astronaut moves from the capsule towards the settlement (moon base).
- A satellite is rotating around the earth.
- Keyboard controls for the models.
This project was part of the 3D Graphics course during the first year of my Masters degree.